Insurance & Protection

Do I really need

Insurance & Protection?

If your children, partner or other relatives depend on your income to cover the mortgage or other living expenses, then the answer is yes – you do need life insurance, since it will help provide for your family in the event of your death.

360 Mortgages provides life insurance and various other protection and insurance products to give you peace of mind should the worst occur.

Home Insurance

Protect your home and contents against fire, theft, damage and more.

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Life Insurance

Life insurance can pay out a cash sum to help pay off the outstanding mortgage if you die.

talk to us about life insurance

Critical Illness

Critical illness cover is a form of insurance which pays out a tax-free lump sum in the event that you are diagnosed with a specified illness.

talk to us about critical illness cover

Income Protection

Income protection insurance is a long-term insurance policy designed to help you if you can't work.

talk to us about income protection

Landlord's Insurance

As a landlord, a standard home insurance policy will not provide enough cover, so that's where landlords insurance is required.

talk to us about Landlord Insurance

Over 50s

An over-50s life insurance plan ensure a pot of money is left to family members once you die.

talk to us about over 50s
* Proceeds of these policies can be used for payment of, or towards, the cost of a funeral, following the death of the person who is insured. You could pay out more money in premiums than the policy pays out. This policy is not a savings plan and has no cash-in value. Due to inflation, any amount paid out may not buy as much in the future as it would now and may not cover the full cost of a funeral. If you stop paying premiums before age 90, the cover will end, and you won't be entitled to claim any money back.

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Let's protect what's important to you.

At different stages in your life and career, different things are important to you. Talk to the 360 team and we'll arrange the perfect cover and protection for you, your family and your work.

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